Legends of Mynos

The Wolverine Knights Chronicles

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Character Profile ~ Sir Nathan of Emberdale

Character Profile: Sir Nathan of Emberdale

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Status: Wolverine Knight

Sword: Whiteflame

Age: 25


Sir Nathan of Emberdale is childhood friends with Sir Geoffrey of Emberdale. They both grew up in the same town, and had fathers who were both in the Order of the Wolverine. While Sir Geoffrey decided to live a descrete life, it is known far and wide Sir Nathan has his way with many a woman.

He is a charming man, one who is known for disarming many an unsuspecting maid and making a sport of it. He is not uncaring, but rather loves the fairer sex, believing he should take advantage as a prestigious knight of the king by jumping on any opportunity that may present itself. Sir Nathan has a string of broken hearts behind him longer than anyone can measure, and to Sir Geoffrey's disgust, tries to woo the women hanging on the arms of other men.

Perhaps Sir Nathan is vain beyond measure, being told by many a woman his charm and wit were second to none. Or perhaps he is supremely insecure, scared of true intimacy and therefore shunning it in favor of wild romps.

Whatever his reasoning, he is a rake to be sure. Keep your daughters under lock and key when Sir Nathan of Emberdale is in your village.

Quote of Note:

“You can’t hold on to her forever, my friend!” ~~Sir Nathan of Emberdale


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